if you are looking a way out to host your purchased domain or want to try a free domain here is the answer..
Free domain hosting (for already registered domain)
Free subdomain hosting
Goto http://www.freewebhostingarea.com/ to start creating your free sub-domain domain host
for already registered domain
Example here www.codexpress.6te.net
- free php5 hosting - (latest stable 5.4) with mail() active, GD2 library, php curl, php magickwand/imagick
(support for ImageMagick), php sockets, php xml, xsl, php soap, php pdo -- see default php variables;
- possibility to turn on/off php variables;
- Ioncube loader for php 5.4; memcache and memcached with igbinary support;
- free MySQL 5 database (latest stable 5.5);
- phpMyAdmin preinstalled; one click database backup; one click database import;
- unlimited accounts/databases allowed (database number per account is limited, but you can create more accounts);
- account manager - tool to change account details, File Manager (WYSIWYG File Editor, FTP client - browser based, tool to set file permissions, to create directories, to create files, tool for renaming, zip/unzip utility and more).
- one click autoinstaller (free forum, blog): Joomla, phpBB3, SMF, WordPress, Drupal, Mambo;
- mod_rewrite enabled (apache 2.2); full dot files support (.htpasswd, .htaccess - posibility to set custom error pages, to block unwanted ips/sites, to turn on/off indexes etc. etc.);
- possibility to reset account, to fix ownership;
- predefined customizable error pages 403.html, 404.html;
- full FTP support, web-ftp application available;
- SSI support (Server Side Includes - .shtml);
- instant activation - registration process is automatic - you will be able to access your new account in minutes (or seconds, depening on how fast you are);
- FREE 24/7 Technical Support;
- full email support (pop/imap) and unlimited subdomains subdomain.yourdomain.com for domain owners. Check email tutorial.
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